Saturday, August 02, 2008

R3 Script for Hitler's Law

First, I'd like to apologize for the script confusion. I submitted the last post thinking I had a copy of the script on another server and I could move it over easily. (My laptop has been down for a few days and I couldn't get to the original file.) I finally realized that the only copy of the R3 script was on my laptop hard drive and I couldn't immediately get to it, so I reposted the link to the r1 script (by now superseded.)

Today I connected my laptop hard drive to another computer with an adapter and was able to upload the current R3 version of the script. Enjoy!

In His Service,
John Calvin Young

1 comment:

eformanator said...

John the script was wonderful. God bless you with this project. Let me know if I can do anything to help.
Elaine Forman